Zoom ID: 858 6531 6386 | no password required
Donations and information: https://www.theawakeself.com/standing-strong
Join Intuitive Healing Arts practitioners, Leah Berger and Liz Vance for an evening of intuitive guidance, sound, and song. Leah and Liz create a spiritual resource for deep listening, inquiry, and receiving to stay authentically connected to ourselves, the Earth, and each other in these potent and turbulent times.
This month's theme is CATCH YOUR BREATH. As the national and global climate shifts dramatically, finding one’s center can be deeply challenging. Breath is a deep place to return to when the world becomes overwhelming. Together we will pause to come up for air and “catch our breath.” Through intuitive inquiry and questions from those who join us, we will explore fresh perspectives and release that which is no longer needed in order to stay connected to heart, self, soul, and community.
Donations are requested, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.