Nahalat Shalom Simcha Religious School

Sunday Morning Simcha School at Nahalat Shalom
Pre-K to Pre-B’nai

We welcome your family ‐ wherever you are on the path of Judaism.

Nahahat Shalom's Simcha Religious School builds community through the discovery and integration of Jewish life cycles, traditions, and values at every grade level, pre-K to pre-b’nai mitzvah. We're committed to creating a supportive, vibrant, and inclusive environment for children and families.

Religious School Schedule

Simcha School is a vital tool in nurturing the next generation's commitment to living a full, rich Jewish life. Our engaging, accessible, and relevant education program encourages young people to embrace Judaism.

  • Creative, interactive learning

  • Individualized programs for B’nai Mitzvah

  • Exploration of Jewish culture, values and customs

  • Parent classes & family Shabbats

About our Simcha School Teachers:
Gan is led by Marisa Nochumson, social worker, who brings their expertise to our youngest learners. Maggidah Batya Podos, our Education Director, is creating a safe, dynamic, interactive space for learning in collaboration with Noah Bloom our amazing Hebrew teacher and Cantor Beth Cohen who brings music, prayers and song to all the children in our Cheder and Gan programs.

Download 2024-2025 (5785) Registration Form

For more information about our program, please contact Education Director Batya Podos,