ZOOM: Ne'ilah with Rabbi Deborah Brin and Cantor Beth Cohen
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Click to register and receive and email from Zoom with the High Holiday Zoom link Register just once - use the same Zoom link for all High Holiday Services and Events.
Click to register and receive and email from Zoom with the High Holiday Zoom link Register just once - use the same Zoom link for all High Holiday Services and Events.
The rabbis knew that our words hold power. They can lift up and inspire or they can hurt as deeply as any wound. That is why we’re warned against lashon ha-ra—speaking about a person in hurtful ways. Through story, we’ll explore the way we’ve used our own words this year, and through ritual, we’ll make amends. Please bring an oven-safe bowl, tin foil, paper, pencils/pens, and matches to this event.
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Yom Kippur discussion (aliyah 3)
All are welcomed. No ticket required.
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All are welcomed. No ticket required.
Click to register and receive and email from Zoom with the High Holiday Zoom link Register just once - use the same Zoom link for all High Holiday Services and Events.
All are welcome. No Ticket Required.
Click to register and receive and email from Zoom with the High Holiday Zoom link Register just once - use the same Zoom link for all High Holiday Services and Events.
What promises did we make last year and didn’t keep? Were they to others? To ourselves? What do we promise each other in our family? Were we able to keep those promises? At Kol Nidre, these are all forgiven, and we have another chance to say S’licha, sorry, and think about how we might do better next year. We’ll explore these promises through story and come together to prepare to enter this precious time.
Download PDF Prayers and Songs
If you are unable to join Cantor Beth at the Bosque, come to our virtual family Tashlich. There will be story, song and ceremony and you will have a chance to cast that which “missed the mark” under running water. Please bring a stone large enough to write or draw on with washable markers or paints.
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Walking Meditation Details
Guided "social-distanced" Meditative Walking Journey with Cantor Beth Cohen at Tingley Nature Preserve Ponds and Tashlich in the Rio Grande River (1800 Tingley Drive SW), followed by a community BYO-picnic lunch in Valley Park at San Isidro and Valley Pool Rd. north of Candelaria.
Please Note: 11-11:30 AM Tashlich/casting-only option available +Plus an optional community BYO-picnic lunch following the ritual at 12:30 PM in Valley Park at San Isidro St. and Valley Pool Rd. near Valley High School and Betty’s Bath & Spa. Take San Isidro St. north of Candelaria and then right (east) on Valley Pool Rd.
Please join Cantor Beth and our community for a Tashlich ritual journey on the second day of Rosh Hashana! Tashlich comes from the Hebrew word meaning "to cast," referring to the ancient ritual of casting away our "sins" on Rosh Hashana (when it's not on Shabbat) and it can be performed up through Sukkot.
Beginning with a guided walking meditative journey and service we will meet in the southern most parking lot at 9:30 AM (Tingley Nature Preserve Parking off of Tingley Dr., across from Kit Carson Park close to Alcalde Pl. SW, and near the Bob Gerding Catch & Release Pond). Or you can skip the walking meditation and meet us later "to cast" your stones, leaves and/or sticks (No BREAD or food please!) at 11 AM on the deck next to the river (by the northern most parking lot; take the main entrance and go right /north of the duck-feeding pond -closest to and south of Central Ave.). SEE ALSO MAP & walking meditation details that you can print out at home and /or Beth will also have copies with her. The walk is a little less than 1 mile one-way and the entire walking meditation ritual will take a little more than 1 hour to complete with 5 "stops" that include guided meditations, prayers and sharing.
The walking meditation is based on materials and experiences from a class that Cantor Beth took at Aleph Kallah in 2016. The course was taught by Rabbi Mike Comins who founded "TorahTrek - The Center for Jewish Wilderness Spirituality" and also authored two books "A Wild Faith" and "Making Prayer Real." To help prepare yourself for our walking meditation, please watch Rabbi Mike's "25-25-50 meditative walking" video here (12 mins.): https://www.rabbimikecomins.com/torahtrek-ejournal/25-25-50-meditative-walking
What to wear/bring: No matter which part you attend (south parking lot at 9:30 AM or river deck at 11 AM), please arrive promptly and wear comfortable walking shoes. Please wear/ bring appropriate clothing and /or layers for the weather including a hat, sunglasses, and possibly gloves. Apply and/ or bring sunscreen. You might also need your reading glasses to read the service prayers and directions. Please also bring a mask and be prepared to distance 6 feet apart when we are stopped for praying and meditating and when we are walking in single file. Please also bring water and maybe snack(s). If it is raining - bring an umbrella and/or rain gear.
IMPORTANT: The walking meditation-service is not appropriate for dogs (with the exception of service dogs) or young children. Please silence your cell phones if you must have them with you. This will not be a casual walk in the bosque for chatting with our friends and family. However, after we are done "casting" at 11:30, there is still the walk back to our cars AND a BYO picnic lunch in Valley Park at 12:30 PM for lots of schmoozing time!! Please feel free to contact Cantor Beth Cohen with any questions: cohenedmunds@netzero.net
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All are welcome. No ticket required.
Rosh Hashana - Genesis 21:1-21
At this time of year, we remember and honor our families and our ancestors. Please bring an object with you that has some family meaning. It could be a treasured heirloom, something that connects you to your family traditions, or a seemingly insignificant item that holds precious memories. Each of these items has a story to tell. Join Batya for a chance to tell and hear the stories of the things that connect us to our families and our Jewish traditions
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All are welcome. No ticket required.
Click to register and get High Holiday Zoom link. Same Zoom link for ALL High Holiday Services and Events. Register just once.
All are welcome. No ticket required.
Click to register and get High Holiday Zoom link. Same Zoom link for ALL High Holiday Services and Events. Register just once.
What seeds will your family plant in the new year? What do you hope to see grow? As we get ready to enter the Days of Awe, this short program will help us take a breath and think about what we hope for in the coming year. Of course, there will be a story. Please bring apples and honey. We will say the blessings, dip, and enjoy together.
With Congregation Albert, Nahalat Shalom, B’nai Israel Meditation, Program, and Service. Check back soon for more information including Zoom connection info.
Congregation Nahalat Shalom
3606 Rio Grande Blvd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
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