NM Storytelling Festival

Filtering by: NM Storytelling Festival

Storytelling Festival Shabbat Service (In Person and Zoom)
10:00 AM10:00

Storytelling Festival Shabbat Service (In Person and Zoom)

​​Zoom ID: 282 164 4305
No password required

Led by Rivkah Coburn and Beth Cohen

Three amazing service leaders combine traditions to bring us a Shabbat service filled with story, movement, melody and joy as they bring their shared wisdom and deep spirituality to our morning service.

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Storytelling Festival Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Klezmer Band & Rikud Dancers  (In Person and Zoom)
6:30 PM18:30

Storytelling Festival Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Klezmer Band & Rikud Dancers (In Person and Zoom)

PDF of Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet:

ZOOM ID: 282 164 4305
No password required

(Potluck Dinner at 5:30 PM this month)

With Storytellers Gail Pasternack, Nina Gelman-Gans, and Gerald Fierst

Celebrate Shabes (Shabbat) JOY in-person in our sanctuary --or via ZOOM. The participatory klezmer Shabes service can be danced to and includes prayers from Kabbalat Shabbat and the Ma’ariv services. We will also observe the candle lighting/blessing, Kaddish Yatom, Mi Shebeirach, Kiddush and Hamotzee.

Service will be followed by a desert potluck and storytelling open mic.

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Storytelling: The Journey from Rabbi to Tzaddik
2:45 PM14:45

Storytelling: The Journey from Rabbi to Tzaddik

With Joanie Calem

The call that Abraham received to rise up and go to a new land is a call that has echoed in Joanie Calem’s life. Sometimes the new land was literally a new physical place, but most often it has been a new spiritual place. On our journeys to new places we are surrounded by others, those walking with us for a while on a path like ours, and those we meet at junctions as they go off in a different direction. How we greet and interact with those fellow travelers is the stuff of many Jewish stories! Joanie will share stories and songs about invisible disabilities and how we can provide inclusive spaces for those we meet on our journey through life.

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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Words from My Heart: Prayer & Spiritual Practice with Children
1:15 PM13:15

Words from My Heart: Prayer & Spiritual Practice with Children

With Evelyn Goldfinger

How can we help children train their spiritual muscles? Judaism offers wise rituals and beautiful prayers. Yet, our sages warned us not to make prayer fixed, but intentional. Let’s open a space where our children and students can experience sapirituality and prayer and their level. We will explore modern research, Jewish prayers, creative prayer practice and ancient stories to discover ways to enhance children’s spiritual practices…and also our own.

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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Nosh & Narrative: Open Microphone Facilitated by Maggidah Batya Podos
12:00 PM12:00

Nosh & Narrative: Open Microphone Facilitated by Maggidah Batya Podos

Bring your lunch or snack and your 5-minute story to tell—whether a Jewish folktale or true family lore, this is your opportunity to share. But remember--when the bell sounds your time is up!

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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In Person and Zoom: School/Family Program
10:00 AM10:00

In Person and Zoom: School/Family Program

Meeting ID: 815 9209 9022
Passcode: 686358

Storytelling Festival Registration is NOT required to attend this program


  • Evelyn Goldfinger (Ms. Eve), Cherie Karo-Schwartz and

  • Rabbi Dan “Dante” Gordon

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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Workshop: Lifting the Story from the Page With Renee Brachfeld-  ZOOM ONLY EVENT
10:00 AM10:00

Workshop: Lifting the Story from the Page With Renee Brachfeld- ZOOM ONLY EVENT


Many of us tell stories that we’ve learned from books. But how do you begin to make a story really yours, rather than just reciting the words you

found on a page? This class—geared towards beginners and experienced tellers alike—will provide a fun and supportive atmosphere in which to explore the creative process of learning and telling stories. Using well-known Jewish folktales, you will come away with increased confidence and skills to lift the story off the written page and make it your own. Warning: even on Zoom, this class is a lot of fun!

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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In Person and Zoom: Story Concert
6:45 PM18:45

In Person and Zoom: Story Concert


  • Renee Brachfeld

  • Cindy Rivka Marshall: The Case Against the Wind

  • Cherie Karo Schwartz: Voyages of My Bubie, a memoire

  • Evelyn Goldfinger: The Short Long Road, a tale from Talmud

  • Peninnah Schram: Wisdom for Sale, from Peninnah Schram’s anthology, Jewish Stories One Generation tells another

  • Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb: Dov Noy Goes to Cochiti, a true story

  • Maggidah Cassandra Sagan: Avram the Beard, an original tale: If your family stories were told in the mythic town of Chelm, what would they be?

  • Joanie Calem: Og’s Journey - Og the giant is both famous and infamous. When he decides to go exploring after centuries of hiding out in a corner of the equator, he stirs up prejudice and fear. Quite unintentionally, he ends up teaching that often our fear of the unknown is entirely unnecessary.

  • Rabbi Dan “Dante” Gordon: The Last Story - Following the journey theme from Lech L'cha, I offer my own adaptation of a Chasidic folk tale that some may recognize. I admit I took great liberties from the original, but this is how it spoke to me. When a colleague asked why I had changed the story so much, my honest response was "I only changed the story as much as the story changed me."

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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In Person and Zoom: Storytelling - Jewish Stories of Peace and Justice from Around the World with  Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb
4:00 PM16:00

In Person and Zoom: Storytelling - Jewish Stories of Peace and Justice from Around the World with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb

An interactive workshop based on Jewish performative traditions. Please bring A ONE MINUTE story with a peace or justice teaching, no more than 200 words, to share. Think about your opening phrase. How do you draw people in? From the first Hebrew women historians who used voice and drum, rather than pen and scroll, to tell the tale, Jewish tradition has always featured artist guilds which, continue to shape and guide justice based Jewish culture.

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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In Person and Zoom: Workshop: The Magic of Modern Midrash: Developing Your Person Narrative - With Rabbi Dan “Dante” Gordon
2:30 PM14:30

In Person and Zoom: Workshop: The Magic of Modern Midrash: Developing Your Person Narrative - With Rabbi Dan “Dante” Gordon

As Avram soon learned after the Holy One spoke to him, the journey of life is filled with stories. Personal stories carry with them a universal nature. The real stories of our lives touch others in unique ways, as everyone can find a nugget that relates to them. This workshop will explore the personal narrative, offer terrific tips for telling tales, with practice in the art of sharing your soul and listening to the souls of others.

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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In Person and Zoom: Echoes of our Culture/Stories of our Souls With Storytellers Cherie Karo Schwartz and Angel Vigil
1:00 PM13:00

In Person and Zoom: Echoes of our Culture/Stories of our Souls With Storytellers Cherie Karo Schwartz and Angel Vigil

There was a time, an artistic and magical time, of Jewish and Spanish cultures in New Mexico in the late 1880’s, and continuing to this day. The commonality of cultures has been in the creation of visual art, yet the spiritual and story arts contribute well to this interwoven, inter-arts tapestry of tales. Come revel in stories shared by New Mexico native Angel Vigil and 15th century Spanish descendant Cherie Karo Schwartz as they tell similarly themed stories from both Jewish and Spanish traditions.

This event is part of the New Mexico Jewish Storytelling Festival. CLICK HERE for all information and registration.

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In Person and Zoom Storytelling Festival Shabbat Service
10:00 AM10:00

In Person and Zoom Storytelling Festival Shabbat Service

ID: 873 4074 3037
Passcode: shabbat
PDF Siddur

Led by Rabbi Dan “Dante” Gordon and Hazzan Baruch Morris

Our guest rabbi and storyteller will be Rabbi Dan “Dante” Gordon. He will be joined by Hazzan Baruch Morris and storytellers.

Featured Storytellers:

  • Peninnah Schram

  • Cindy Rivka Marshall

  • Maggidah Cassandra Sagan

  • Maggidah Batya Podos

All are welcome to attend. There is no charge - to attend Events Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday, please register by CLICKING HERE

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In Person and Zoom: Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Community klezmer Band & Rikud dancers + STORYTELLERS
6:30 PM18:30

In Person and Zoom: Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Community klezmer Band & Rikud dancers + STORYTELLERS

ID: 873 4074 3037
Passcode: shabbat

Celebrate Shabes JOY with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Community Klezmer Band and Rikud dancers. Join us IN-PERSON or on Zoom. Schedule for the evening: This is a participatory klezmer service with The Community Band, Cantor Beth & Rikud dancers and includes some of our favorite prayers from Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv plus candle lighting & blessing, prayer for healing and Kaddish Yatom.

Featured Storytellers are:

  • Maggidah Cassandra Sagan

  • Sarah Stein

  • Maggidah Batya Podos

For more information, contact Cantor Beth Cohen: cohenedmunds@netzero.net

Link to PDF of Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet:

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ZOOM Workshop: Finding the Soul of the Story: A 4-World Exploration with Devorah Zaslow
11:15 AM11:15

ZOOM Workshop: Finding the Soul of the Story: A 4-World Exploration with Devorah Zaslow

Times listed are Mountain Time.

This workshop focuses on discovering our relationship to the story, as a teller or a listener. We’ll practice techniques to deepen our awareness of the “story medicine” in each story by looking at our connection to the narrative on the levels of body, heart, mind and soul. We’ll use storytelling, visualization, and small group breakout rooms.

For all weekend, Schedule, Tickets, Artist Bios, CLICK HERE

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