From Rabbi Chavah Carp: We are almost there!

We are almost there! In looking at the calendar I see that we are almost into Elul. Normally my favorite time of year. I was tempted to let that feeling slide away and let this year slip into a coma of memory. And then I re-read Eikev. Actually since I have a service this Shabbat as well as a Bar-Mitzvah for Mincha/Maariv, I have been deep into Eikev for months.

We are asked to "Be In Awe of Havaya". Is this a casual question, or is it a command? As with every approaching Yontiff, it is whatever we choose to perceive and experience. Since the beginning of the year- which is a Talmudic question in itself. "When is the beginning of the year";? January 1st, Passover, or Rosh Ha Shannah? Considering that this past year is wrapped into Coronavirus affects I would say that it is all of the above. A time before Coronavirus, an intro to coronavirus and, and now living with a mutation called Covid-19. We are steeped into a deep journey of self reflection and goal being being physically and spiritually healthy. My personal goal, as always (some days with better success than others) is to thrive.

We are almost there! The energy of Av's deep sadness is beginning to wane, and the fresh cool air of Elul and the monsoons are on the runway. I see these changes in my garden, in the colors of the leaves up in the Sandias- yes, some leaves are starting to turn red (take a safe and joyful ride and see for yourself), and I smell it in the air. I can't wait to Zoom into our Nahalat Shalom services for the High Holidays and see everyone. So instead of missing you, I will tune into the zoom service and 'spotlight' each one of you and look upon you in awe.

During the Albuquerque film festival I did just that. I chose to 'pin' (that's a zoom option on each person's little window) to actually see them- almost life sized. It was awesome! I not only got to see you, and I really do miss you, but I got to look at the artwork behind you, or your bicycle, or the beautiful quilt hanging. It was almost better than normal because I got invited into your home. So Thank You!

We are almost there! We have an amazing community and you are making me thrive in a time, as always, where I have a choice to see Fear or to see Awe. With you on this journey, I see Awe all around me. We are on an awesome journey, Eikev asks us, maybe even implores us to see the awe around us. Eikev is the pre-invite, the save the date-so to speak- for the Days of Awe.

See you tomorrow for our Sabbath Renewal service, Please be sure to have a name recognizable to me on your zoom waiting room entry.

Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Chavah